Our replacement vehicle service explained
Once the immediate issues of a motor vehicle accident have been sorted, you can sometimes find yourself without a roadworthy vehicle to drive. This can be very frustrating and inconvenient, particularly if you were the non-fault driver. Why should you suffer any further?
Our Accident Management partners deal with this type of situation every day. Although they don’t know your personal circumstances, they know you need to get moving again quickly and they know what needs to be done to make that happen.
They will:
All the hard work is done for you as you shouldn’t have to do any. You just provide us with all the details. If you need to arrange a replacement vehicle, speak to one of our specialists now on 1800 954 577

No excess to pay and protect your no claim discount (also known as no claim bonus)
If you were the non-fault driver, then our Accident Management partners will claim the costs of your like- for- like vehicle and vehicle repairs from the fault driver’s insurer.
You can claim on your insurance but you might have to pay any excess upfront and wait to reclaim it. You might also lose your no claim discount and need to claim this back to. Both of these can take time. If you are thinking of doing this, always check with your insurer first but why take the risk? If you’ve been in an accident and need your vehicle repairing now, please call our expert team free on 1800 954 577